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Crowd with Masks


In-Person COVID-19 Policy and Procedure

Stacy Jolena Studio is dedicated to keeping its students and visitors as safe as possible during the pandemic. The following is an outline of our COVID-19 policy and procedure for in-person lessons and bookings:


Requirements to Enter:


Before coming to the studio we ask all visitors to self-assess, the screening questions at this link are a good guide.


If visitors have symptoms of contagious illness or suspect they may be ill, they must immediately notify the studio, and the lesson or booking will be conducted online or rescheduled for a later date. Please provide at least 1 hour's notice to qualify for switching to online format on the same day.


Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home (as well as any members of their household who may be accompanying them to the lesson) and will forfeit their lesson. Stacy Jolena Studio staff reserve the right to make this determination. For this reason, we ask all families to pre-screen at home prior to coming to the studio.


Upon entering we ask that all visitors sanitize their hands (hand sanitizer is available for your use.)


Sanitizing Procedures:


  • Doorknobs and other surfaces in the studio, waiting room and bathroom will be disinfected frequently throughout the day.

  • Piano keys will be disinfected between every student.

  • Hand sanitizer will be readily available.

  • The studio will have the window open (weather permitting), door open, and an air filter running for the duration of the lesson.

  • Masks are optional, per City of Toronto guidelines. Teachers will wear a mask during bookings/lessons upon request. Masks are available for anyone who would like one.


Waiting Area:


  • When possible we ask that only one student enter the studio at a time, and any family, siblings, etc. remain outside of the building.

  • If this is not possible, we ask that as few people as possible come inside.

  • Visitors, students, etc. are asked to remain outside of the building prior to their lesson/booking time, and to do their best to leave promptly following their time slot.

  • The windows will be kept open (weather permitting.)

  • Visitors are encouraged to bring their own entertainment (books, toys, etc.) to limit the spread of germs.

  • Anyone unnecessary for the student’s lessons to take place are discouraged from accompanying the student to lessons.

  • Only one family unit is allowed inside the building at a time, please wait for other families to vacate the building before entering for your lesson/booking.


Please be patient, while we will do our best to stay on time, small delays may be caused when maintaining a clean and safe environment and sticking to our COVID-19 protocols.


Stacy Jolena Studio reserves the right to modify requirements or discontinue in-person lessons/bookings at any time. In this event, lessons will continue in the online format according to the normal schedule until the Studio decides to resume in-person lessons. Alternatively, if the client does not wish to move to an online format they can choose to wait for in-person lessons to resume.



Workplace Safety Plan

Stacy Jolena Studio's Ontario Workplace Safety Plan can be found below:



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